The Iberoamerican Congresses started due to Prof. Remigio Brunás initiative in 1967 in Santa Fe, Argentina.

After this, there was continuous activity in different cities in Ibero-America and Spain.

The present

In a new era, Prof. Sergio Carmona will work together with the old leaders, Prof. Pedro Mangabeira Albernaz from Sao Paulo, Brazil and Prof. Fernando Vaz García from Lisbon, Portugal, to start the FINO congresses after the very successful 2014 Bárány International in Buenos Aires.

During the pandemic era FINO had two important virtual meetings:
2020 FINO-FINE (Forum for Indian Medical Education) in English, attended for more than 1600 people
2021 FINO virtual meeting in Spanish and Portuguese, attended for 600 people

When the Iberoamerican meetings celebrate their 50th anniversary in Lima in 2017, the FINO meeting will be held in Lima and a legal structure was created to accept members: Fino Miembros, which is an association without lucrative purposes, was created in Argentina on June 17th, 2017 with the authorization of the «Inspeccion General de Justicia» of this country.

FINO has a mechanism to accept members: two recommendation letters are required, and the candidates CV must prove that he/she has Peer-Review publication in the field and a selective dedication to the Neurotology.
The papers that are presented in the meeting have to be accepted for the Scientific Committee and are published in the Revista ORL Universidad de Salamanca.
Every year FINO granted the FINO Prize to the best scientific paper.

Following the Ordinary General Assembly held on January 6 2025, the new Board of Directors was appointed:
President: Dra. Romina Weinschelbaum
Vice-President: Dr. Fabricio Martínez
Secretary: Dra. Ilonka Rodríguez
Treasurer: Dr. Carlos Rosmaninho